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June 22 (Day 12) - Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado

​We got up bright and early to make sure we could be at the Rocky Mountain National Park visitor center when they opened at 8am (just a short distance from where we were staying).

We arrived to plenty of spaces in the parking lot (we had heard it can get very crowded so we wanted to try to avoid having an issue) and were there with some time to spare before the doors opened. Grams and the girls took that time to go to the restroom. While Pop, Adam and I were waiting I saw what at first looked like a big dog with puppies behind it running in the field across the street. I quickly realized that would not make any sense and it was most likely a bear and her cubs. I told Adam and Pop and we all confirmed it was definitely a bear and her cubs as we watched them from afar running through the grass. They were sadly too far and too fast to get a picture. When the girls came out of the bathroom we let them know and they were pretty disappointed to miss it. At that point the center was open and we went inside. We received the Jr. Ranger books as quickly as we could and headed over to our first trailhead at Bear Lake. As we were walking to our car we heard another visitor telling a ranger she saw the bear with her two cubs up the road from where we had our sighting. We opted to drive instead of use the park shuttle because we were hoping to be able to make it to our dinner show that got rescheduled from the previous night. A few minutes into the drive Adam had the idea to give Grams and Pop one of our walkie talkies so we could talk to them the whole way there (there is no cell reception in the park) and the girls were having fun taking turns talking and giving bear sighting reports (that no bear was sighted, still no bear sighting...). We all thought it was so interesting to see one lone person with an easel set up and painting as we drove past the wide open land in front of the Discovery Center. As we got to the parking lot at Bear Lake we realized this may not have been the best choice. It was a relatively small lot and seemed to be completely filled. We lucked out and got a spot as someone pulled out but Grams and Pop weren't so lucky. It was great that we had done the walkie talkies so we could keep in touch when they were within range of us. We sat with the girls and worked on their Jr. Ranger books while Grams and Pop went to the Park and Ride lot (which thankfully they said was huge and had plenty of open spots) and took the shuttle to Bear Lake.

The Bear Lake nature trail is a relatively easy .6 mile loop around the lake with spectacular scenery. Within a few feet of starting the trail we were surprised to see a snow pile. The girls were so excited they ran right over and started playing in it. It was the strangest thing to see snow in June while we were dressed for a hot summer day.

After playing in the snow for a little while we were ready to continue on the trail. As Lily was walking back onto the path she slipped in the mud that was caused from the runoff of the melted snow. She literally fell face first and was covered in mud from her hat to her hiking shoes. Thankfully she wasn't hurt and we were prepared with wet wipes to clean her up. She was very upset some mud got on her hat and didn't want to wear it but I was able to get it clean enough for her to wear it again.

As we continued the trail around Bear Lake we were continuously exposed to different viewpoints of this spectacular landscape. It was truly majestic to see the snow capped mountains and the magnificent tall green trees on the one side of the lake and the incredible rock formations on the other. I could not stop looking around in awe.

As we made our way around the lake we came to a large rock that the girls wanted to climb. Ella went a little ways up but then got nervous to come down so Adam helped her.

As we continued on the trail we came to another snow pile on the side that the girls could not resist. They were having a blast making snow balls and throwing them at each other. While they were there Grams and Pop found a bench nearby overlooking the lake and they relaxed and basked in the view. The girls were picking up big chunks of snow and having the best time. We finally got them to come down and we finished the exceptionally beautiful trail.

By this point we were ready for lunch. We sat under the covered pavilion with our picnic. We had a bottle of mustard to put on our sandwiches and as Grams opened it she unfortunately experienced what high altitude does to containers as it exploded all over her leg and the ground beneath her. We got her all cleaned up, made the sandwiches and quickly ate.

Our next hike was to Alberta Falls which is a 1.6 mile trail with 275 feet of elevation gain. It was a very scenic trail we were all thoroughly enjoying. Unfortunately shortly after we started so did the rumbles of thunder. We collectively agreed to keep going and made it all the way to the very beginning of the falls when there was an enormous clap of thunder. Sadly, we definitely could not go any further as the skies opened up and it started pouring down. We do not have very good luck with waterfall hikes. Grams had ponchos for her and Pop but they let Ella use Pop's. We made our way back getting soaked as the thunder and rain continued. People were passing us and commenting on the ponchos, including one man who told Grams she could make a lot of money selling those.

Our plan from the beginning was to head to the shuttles at Glacier Gorge instead of back to Bear Lake to avoid the steep inclines. Once we got there Grams got in line to go to the bathroom behind a man that seemed like he was 3x her height.

The rest of us huddled under a little awning that covered an information station while it downpoured. We took the shuttle back to Bear Lake and all 6 of us got into our truck.

Since the weather was not cooperating we went over to the Morraine Discovery Center. There were several amazing pieces of art on display by the various Artists in Residence. I ended up finding a binder with essays from Artists in Residence and got caught up reading it as everyone else went upstairs to explore. The girls really wanted me to see everything upstairs after a little while so I went to join everyone. There was a very comfortable little room with huge windows looking out at the vast open land where we had seen the artist painting earlier (probably the current artist in residence) and a few rocking chairs. Grams and I sat there while the girls explored and Adam took Pop back to get his car. Once they got back we returned to the visitor center with the girls completed Jr Ranger books to take their oath and earn another badge.

Grams and Pop went back to their hotel to get ready for dinner. We started going over to the Estes Park Visitor Center to hand in our completed Pica Hunt papers. As we were driving Grams called to tell us Pop realized we should go on our way to dinner instead. Right after that we saw an elk grazing right on the side of the road. We slowed down and were able to pull over. As we looked back we saw another elk had joined the first one. And then directly in back of our car another horned elk had emerged and tried to cross the street. We stayed here for awhile watching the elk who eventually were all able to make it to the other side of the road as they crossed the stopped traffic. The girls loved watching them jump the fence on the opposite side of the road.

We headed back to the RV and quickly freshened up for dinner. Grams and Pop met us and we all went to the Visitors Center to get the Pica Pins.

From there we went right over to The Elkhorn Lodge, an old time lodge that was established in 1874 for The Lazy B Ranch and Ranglers Dinner Show. We were seated at the Sacajawea table in the front row just to the right of the stage. When they had to change our reservation from last night to tonight they offered us each a complimentary drink for our trouble and flexibility. We all happily cashed that in. Grams and I each got a delicious margarita and Pop and Adam got a beer. Lily was picked to help ring the triangle for dinner and to make the "Come and Get It" announcement. We went up table by table and got our plate with two cuts of brisket, baked beans and a homemade buttermilk biscuit. Just past that there were two barrels in front of two servers who gave each person half of a peach and a baked potato. We came back to our table to eat our dinner. Towards the end of the dining time they walked around serving coffee and brought each table a basket of brownies (one for each person). We all enjoyed the dinner and brownies. The show was extremely entertaining and was able to keep the girls attention too. The band members each took a turn singing a solo. We really enjoyed the solo that including yodeling. The one band member was also a comedian and he had all of us cracking up. We laughed the hardest when he put on wigs and used various voices. At one point he sang the theme song from Archie Bunker and went back and forth between Archie and Edith's voices (his imitations of them and all the others were super spot on) and Lily was shaking she was laughing so hard. There was a short intermission and the band members spent time talking with the guests. The man who chose Lily came to talk with us and showed me pictures of his horse and the horse of his lady friend. He was telling me how they ride them in the Rocky Mountains National Park all the time. I loved the lobby of the Elkhorn with it's red velvet furniture. I could easily picture what this must have been like with the women dressed in their hoop skirts as they would come for a visit. The second half of the show was pretty short but just as enjoyable. The band members all came off the stage and said good bye to all the guests. We went into the parking lot and said good night to Grams and Pop after making our plan to meet the next morning for breakfast.

Life On The Road Trip

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